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Things to do in Nuwara Eliya

The little England in Ceylon

Life in Ceylon would surely need an escape to the hill country amidst the abreast mountains covered by the evergreen tea plantations. A cold evening with a sip of Ceylon tea in Nuwara Eliya is an overwhelming feeling once a traveler can experience.

Nuwara Eliya City
Nuwara Eliya City

Nuwara Eliya, the little England in Ceylon is the main city in Nuwara Eliya district; central province in Sri Lanka. This is extremely wonderful piece of land specific in its geological character and the prevailing cold misty climate. Nuwara Eliya is popular for its cold misty feature alone with the tea plantation. This is considered the best landscape for tea plantation in the country as it is at an altitude of 1868 meters from the sea level. The highest point in the country, The Piduruthalagala mountain peak is situated in Nuwara Eliya.

This fabulous city is abandoned with picturesque surroundings consist of misty mountains, waterfalls, meadows, valleys and evergreen tea estates. Nuwaraeliya city center is a must place to visit as it witnesses the ancient British era in the country. The British architecture is still displayed in most of the hotels and restaurants in the city. The ancient brick post office is still a lively character in the city center. The golf grounds, horse riding tracks, the parks and lakes and the prestigious ancient hotels will sure make you feel like you are in England.

Places to visit in Nuawara Eliya

Gregory Lake

Gegary Lake Nuwara Eliya
Gegary Lake Nuwara Eliya

Gregory Lake adds a specific beauty to Nuawara Eliya city. The tour to Nuwara Eliya would not be completed if you miss to visit the lake. The lake is in the bottom of the mountains and this has been built by diverting water from Thalagala streams at the top of the hills. The lake is connected with the Gregory Park where thousands of travellers gathered to visit the real beauty of the lake. Gregory Park is a bustling area with tourists worldwide. People have the chance to enjoy boat rides in the lake, the pony back ridings at the park and enjoy some hot spicy Sri Lankan street foods with a nice sip of coffee by sitting alone at the Gregory Park. This would definitely be an amazing feeling to enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake.

In fact, the Gregory Lake is a man-made lake which was fashioned under the governance of William Gregory in 1873. The water conveyed from the lake helps in generating electricity and the process is still in usage. However indirectly the lake along with the park has become a major spot for recreational activities for both local and foreigners. This place is currently most popular for water based activities for adults and pony rides for children. For the youngsters, the park has become a fabulous party place as a social icon. Lovers feel the tranquil having sidewalks along the path in the park.

Victoria Park

victoria park nuwara eliya
Victoria Park Nuwara Eliya

This worth visit spot, the victoria park in prestigiously located in the center of the Nuwara Eliya city. This is mainly a relaxing area and there are many things to visit. This park was named in the honor of Queen Victoria in 1897. At the very beginning, this was a research center for Hakgala botanical garden later became to park for travelers. The park has a section for kids as a playing area so do not forget to take your kids there. For adults, there are much more things like bird watching, walking paths and colorful blooming flowers everywhere in the park. At the first sight, this is absolutely a colorful place to visit and it will always attract your hearts to stay.

Hakgala botanical garden

hakgala botanical garden
Hakgala Botanical Garden

Visit to Hakgala botanical garden is another best trip in Nuwara Eliya. Hakgala is the second largest botanical garden in the country spread over 27 hectares. This was originally fashioned in 1861 under the British governance. Though the major economical plantation in hill side seems the tea crops, Hakgala has its own a big variety of flora and fauna. In 1884 this garden commenced its life as a botanical garden with a wide range of temperate zone plants to a tropical climate.

you will be amazed by the variety of plants grown in terraces and in small landscapes of different shapes. The diversity of plants is said to be estimated over 10000 different species. You will feel like lost in the colorful rose garden which is created to grow rose plants. Never forget to watch this breathtaking piece of beautiful work by Sri Lankan botanists.

Lover’s leap waterfall

Lover’s leap waterfall
Lover’s leap waterfall

The sound waters falling down to make the lover’s leap seems like murmering a sorrowful song of two ill-fated lovers. For those who fond of listening to local folk tales, this waterfall gives a hidden sad story of two lovers who ended their lives jumping off to the cliff at the bottom.  Years and years later up to this age, the people in Nuwara Eliya near lover’s leap falls reminds this story to ages. However, each and every traveler loves to visit this calm and picturesque waterfall in the city. This falls is truly a breathtaking sight located on a tea estate 2km away from Nuwara Eliya.  The height of the falls is about 30 m long. Whatever the story behind this beautiful waterfall, it attracts the hearts of everyone who visit.

Devon falls

Devon Falls Sri Lanka

Devon falls is marvelous scenery to watch. This was named in the name of a tea planter and it is located in the Devon tea estate. This waterfall is surrounded by rocky terrains cascading water from a height of 97 meters. This is visible to the main route in nuwara Eliya – Thalawakele road right after the beautiful St. Claire’s falls. For every traveler taking a tour to Nuwara Eliya encounter this astonishing sight of the waterfall.

St. Claire’s falls

St. Claire’s falls
St. Claire’s falls

This waterfall is known as “the little Niagara” in Ceylon due to its splendid view and the width visible as the Niagara Falls. It catches your eyes from the far away from the route of Thalawakele –Nuawaraeliya. Locating Amidst the evergreen tea plantation, this waterfall is purely like a god gifted to the area. The calm and quiet surrounding, the cool breeze of the tea leaves and this amazing view of St. Claire’s falls will make you feel like a heavenly experience.

Horton Plains

Horton Plains, Sri Lanka
Horton Plains, Sri Lanka (Image by Perinpanayagam Nirosan)

Your tour in Sri Lanka will be an incomplete one if you couldn’t visit Horton plains. For those who deeply interested in Geo tourism or for a person seeking for a trekking experience in up country, the best ever destination is Horton plain in Nuwara Eliya. Horton plain is the highest plateau in the country covering an area of 3162 hectares. It consists of eco systems such as montane evergreen forests, grasslands, marshy lands and aquatic eco system. There is a diversity of animal species, flora and fauna. Most of them are endemic to the country. Horton plain is declared a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE site on 30th July 2010.

The climate is cold and misty most of the time in the year. It’s not too rainy or foggy so that the temperature is always fantastic for a trekking experience. It has become the starting point for the 9 km trek of the plain. It may probably take 3 hours and you can witness the rare species of flora and fauna, animals and scenic water bodies running downwards the plain. Grasslands are the main parts to cover and next up to the cloudy forest like surrounding. Trek will come up to an end once you encounter the breathtaking scenery at the world’s end. The drop from world’s end is 870 m and in sometimes scary to look down. Another magnificent spot to watch is Baker’s falls which was named in the honor of Sir Samuel Baker.  Travelers worldwide love to get this experience in Horton plain. Do not forget to click those moments in your cameras.

Moon Plains

Sandathanna, Moons Plains
Sandathanna, Moons Plains

Moon plains is a splendid view point where you can have the best panoramic view in Nuwara Eliya. We are not allowed to visit Moon plain by a vehicle of our own as this place is considered a highly sensitive area. One can hire a jeep or a safari cab to travel in here. Hakgala botanical garden, the world’s end and the boundaries of the central highlands are visible to this amazing 360 panoramic view.

Tea plantation and tea factory visit

Damrow tea center
Damrow tea center

Nuwara Eliya is a land of tea estates and the center for tea production in the entire country. Ceylon is always a huge name all over the world for its delightful tea manufacturing and it’s a must that you need to taste a sip of Ceylon tea once you travel in Nuwara Eliya. Travellers have the chance to visit the tea estates and tea factories as well. You can visit Damro tea center (mackwoods earlier), the oldest tea center in Sri Lanka. All the different kinds with tastes are made here. The factory will take you through the process of tea plucking to tea distribution. Visit the place with your children and make them more knowledgeable after the factory tour. Never forget to visit the Sri Lankan ladies plucking the tea leaves in tea fields.

Stay in Nuwara Eliya

Stay in Nuwara Eliya is about to be your best ever experience in Sri Lanka. There is a wide variety of star quality accommodations in Nuwara Eliya mainly the like the British stylish accommodations. Nuwara Eliya has the best climate to feel like you are in a heavenly place. The mist covered mountains and luscious green tea estates will surely make you stay in Nuwara Eliya forever. Choose a better accommodation as per your budget line and hotel providers will be there for their best services for you. Few places can be recommended for the travellers seeking for best accommodation facilities.

  • Grand hotel
  • Galway heights
  • Heritance tea factory
  • The hill club
  • Araliya green city
  • St. Andrew’s by Jetwing and so on.

Almost all the travelers choose to visit Nuwara Eliya in their Sri Lankan tour and Nuwara Eliya visit has been a compulsory visit in their tour itineraries. Whatever the reason, at the utmost sense of the word, Nuwara Eliya – The little England is much more worth to visit. You will never say no to a nice cup of tea in a cool evening in Nuwara Eliya amidst the greenery of luscious tea estates. Have fun and enjoy this heavenly feeling.

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