From Badulla to Senkadagala city, we decided to go via Mahiyanaganaya and Randenigala in this new year.
Previously, we mentioned a little bit about the 18 bend visiting place. It is a place which can see while going through Mahiyanganaya.
So, today we thought to talk staying near the Randenigala Dam and the power transmission center.
The Randenigala dam is located between the Rantabe and the Victoria dams. This dam was
constructed connecting Waddandamanakanda and Randengala Mountain.
The history mentions that this is the reservoir with the minimal human evacuation. It means about 400 families.
The reason to mention this as the minimal human evacuation is, when the Victoria dam was building, about 4000 families have been evacuated.
Here, another special fact is, it is mentioned that there was a limestone cave before building this dam which is like Belilena.
Yet, according to the history, it has been closed spraying concrete around the cave.
The construction of the dam began in 1982. The construction was completed in approximately 4 years, means in 1986.
The Rantambe dam is located in the downstream of the Randenigala dam.
The Randenigala supplies a electric capacity of 120MW to the national electricity system.
Source : Ganga dige ( Along the River ) TV Program.